Jim Boykin #SEOisAEO ungaggedUSA

Jim Boykin with Jason Barnard at Ungagged Los Angeles

Jim Boykin talks to Jason Barnard about private blog networks.

Jim explains how he identifies the patterns that link buying and PBNs create. Anyone who is selling links is creating a network that can be mapped (because they are using a Rolodex, apparently). There is no safe way to buy links, says Jim. And don’t expect natural links into your product page. They will be to your content pages, so use the internal linking to benefit your product pages. When you create that linkworthy content, then spend time promoting it using the 80/20 rule. Jim is happy to stand by the idea that links are still the biggest thing, and will be for a long time to come.

Jim is a content creator who happens to get links rather than a linkbuilder who happens to create content.

Helpful Resources About Identifying Link Buying and PBNs

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