Purna Virji with Jason Barnard SMX West

Purna Virji with Jason Barnard at SMX West 2020

Purna Virji talks with Jason Barnard about how to do competitive research using search.

Do you know who your competitors are? What’s more, have you done your research on them?

You know what they say… keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer and this is as true in business as it is on the playground. No matter what industry you’re in or how niche your business is, you’ve got competitors. We’re all competing for something whether that be eyes on our content, new leads, sales, returning customers – so, how can you make yourself stand out from a tidal wave of competitors?

The wonderful Purna Virji, Senior Manager of Global Engagement at Microsoft, spills all of the answers when we met up at the SMX West conference! It’s a juicy conversation filled with actionable tips to help you get ahead of your fiercest competitors using search. It’s like the modern-day form of spying on someone… minus the binoculars.

Discover the best ways to research your competitors to help you structure winning ads, outrank them on SERP’s and, for lack of a better word, knock your competition out of the running. These tips aren’t for any specific business, industry, or person – ALL marketers should do these things on a regular basis!

Let’s hear from the marvellous, the brilliant, the spectacular Purna Virji!

Listen in to learn:

  • Why competitive research using search is important for ALL marketers
  • Two vital steps you should take to identify the right competitors
  • How to know what type of keywords to bid for
  • What ‘outranking share’ and ‘overlap rate’ mean and why you should pay attention to both!
  • What four areas you should focus on when researching your fiercest competitors (and their ads) on search engines
  • How to find the ‘sweet spot’ for the length of your ad copy
  • Why it’s important to understand your competitors’ pain points

Connect with Purna Virji on LinkedIn

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