2021 » Page 2


Podcast : With Jason Barnard… Season 3 (2021)

A million thanks for all your delightful appearances on Kalicube Tuesdays 2021.
The Tuesdays of this year were the days of insights, fun, and geeky stuff.

Big, big thank you also to the subscribers of the YouTube channel and podcast for showing up and participating in the entertaining live chat :)

You are always welcome to come back on our future episodes, either as a guest or as a viewer.

Wishing you all a groovy and prosperous new year filled with joy and blessings.
See you on the Tuesdays of 2022 ;)

The smartest people in marketing talk to Jason Barnard about topics they know inside out. The conversations are always intelligent, always interesting… and always fun!

Guests include Rand Fishkin, Joost de Valk, Cindy Krum, Lily Ray, Aleyda Solis, Neal Schaffer, Ryan Foland, Bill Slawski, John Mueller…