Rich Elements Summary

Real Time SERP Feature (Rich Element) Statistics

This data is 30 days rolling, updated daily and based on over 6,000,000 SERPs. Detailed and historical data is available in the Kalicube Pro SaaS platform.

Percentage of Brand SERPs that contain each SERP Feature. Remember, Brand SERPs are the Google search result for a company or person's name, so they are by nature navigational and informational. These figures may differ slightly from other types of SERP.

SERP Left Rail

The Left Rail of the SERP is the left hand side on Desktop. The Left Rail contains Google's recommendations in the form of Bluelinks, Video Boxes, Image Boxes, Featured Snippets and other SERP Features.

SERP Right Rail

The Right Rail of the SERP is the right hand side on Desktop. The Right Rail contains the facts that Google has understood in the form of Knowledge Panels, Google Business Profiles, See results bout and People Also Search For.

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