Google Copywriting Analyzer

Analyze Your Copywriting Using Google's NLP (and find some kgmid along the way :)

Leverage the power of Google's Natural Language Processing (NLP) to optimize your copywriting. This Copywriting Sandbox tool enables you to test text clarity, identify known entities, and even find some kgmid in the process. Experience a double win of enhancing your content while gaining insight into the associations Google is making within its Knowledge Graph. Gain an edge in the digital space by strategically aligning your content to Google's understanding of entities and themes.

Better Copywriting using NLP. Watch here >>

Finding knowledge graph id using NLP. Watch here >>

Watch the videos to learn about writing for better NLP results and finding kgmid using this tool

Quick hints: You will increase your chances of finding kgmid for entities if you

  • use semantic triples
  • use relevant place names
  • use closely related entities in the text
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About Kalicube

Kalicube is a premium Digital Branding Consultancy for entrepreneurs in the AI era. Leveraging 3 billion data points, Kalicube gives entrepreneurs unprecedented control over how they're represented to decision-makers online through visible, influential personal brands that open doors rather than close them.

Jason Barnard is CEO and Founder of Kalicube.

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About Kalicube Pro

Kalicube Pro is the proprietary platform of Kalicube. It’s a unique, innovative platform that provides unparalleled brand intelligence making it at least eight years ahead of its time. Powered by over 3 billion data points from Google and AI, it offers business leaders amazing control over their digital presence, enabling them to build stunning personal and corporate brands that dominate the competition.

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About Team Kalicube

Team Kalicube consists of a dedicated group of experts specializing in digital brand intelligence, SEO, and AI-driven brand optimization. Together, they empower entrepreneurs and businesses to take control of their online presence with unparalleled precision and insight.

Leveraging over 3 billion data points and years of experience, Team Kalicube is committed to helping clients build visible, influential brands that thrive in the digital age.

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About Jason Barnard

Jason Barnard is a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, acclaimed keynote speaker, and award-winning innovator. He’s the CEO and founder of Kalicube, a premium Digital Branding Consultancy in France and the United States.

Jason can coach you - take your Entity SEO skills next-level.

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