Serp Simulator

SERP Snippet Simulator Tool

Use this snippet simulator to test what both your title tag and description tag will look like on Google on Desktop and on Mobile (they look very different, as you’ll see :)

Kalicube specialises in Brand SERPs, so most people using this tool use it to check their metas for their homepage, Rich Sitelinks and Entity Home. However, obviously you can use it to check what a SERP result for any page on their website might look like on Google.

Your Search...


About 134063 results (0.62 seconds)

SERP snippet simulator : see how your page will appear in Google

Visualise the appearance of your snippets in Google search results - Mobile and Desktop simulators

Your Search...

SERP snippet simulator : see how your page will appear in Google

Visualise the appearance of your snippets in Google search results - Mobile and Desktop simulators

Google Snippet Simulator: Helpful Hints for Metas

Meta Title

Create a title tag that speaks for your brand. Getting your brand message right at the front of users searching for your brand (which are often your audience at the bottom of the funnel) is crucial. Note that mobile allows for longer titles, so don’t stop at 70 characters. All you need to do is find a title that looks great on Desktop - mobile users will get extra information :)

Meta Description

In creating the meta description tag, dedicate it to Google since users will only ever see it on Google. Be clear in explaining who you are, what you do and who your audience is in a way that is attractive to your audience and with a sentence structure and using language Google understands.

On Page

Important - on your web page, the length of the content is determined by how much you can usefully say. Do not attempt to write 1,000 words or more just because SEO theory says that is necessary (What is SEO?). Write what is necessary to convince the user. Mark Twain said something like "if I'd had more time, I would have written less."

Learn More About Writing for Optimised Google Snippets

Free article: Great SEO Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions and H1 for Your Pages - a simple guide with the most important tips and tricks.

Kalicube Academy: Managing titles and descriptions on Brand SERPs is an art in itself. The Kalicube Academy teaches the techniques that work! Check out the Kalicube Brand SERP courses to learn how >

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About Kalicube

Kalicube is a premium Digital Branding Consultancy for entrepreneurs in the AI era. Leveraging 3 billion data points, Kalicube gives entrepreneurs unprecedented control over how they're represented to decision-makers online through visible, influential personal brands that open doors rather than close them.

Jason Barnard is CEO and Founder of Kalicube.

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About Kalicube Pro

Kalicube Pro is the proprietary platform of Kalicube. It’s a unique, innovative platform that provides unparalleled brand intelligence making it at least eight years ahead of its time. Powered by over 3 billion data points from Google and AI, it offers business leaders amazing control over their digital presence, enabling them to build stunning personal and corporate brands that dominate the competition.

Team Kalicube Managers

About Team Kalicube

Team Kalicube consists of a dedicated group of experts specializing in digital brand intelligence, SEO, and AI-driven brand optimization. Together, they empower entrepreneurs and businesses to take control of their online presence with unparalleled precision and insight.

Leveraging over 3 billion data points and years of experience, Team Kalicube is committed to helping clients build visible, influential brands that thrive in the digital age.

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About Jason Barnard

Jason Barnard is a serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, acclaimed keynote speaker, and award-winning innovator. He’s the CEO and founder of Kalicube, a premium Digital Branding Consultancy in France and the United States.

Jason can coach you - take your Entity SEO skills next-level.

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Jason Barnard The Brand SERP Guy
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