Google's Trusted Sources for Knowledge Panel Descriptions
Below is a list of the sources Google cites in Knowledge Panels. Data is from the last 30 days; In the Kalicube Pro platform we have over 209,966 trusted sources for building Knowledge Panels. Build a case for notability to get a place in the Knowledge Graph.
This free reference offers a list of sources you can use as inspiration to find the places Google trusts. All you need to do is place corroborative information on trusted, authoritative sources to gain your place in the Knowledge Graph and trigger a Knowledge Panel on Google. Our experience shows that a good rule of thumb is that you’ll generally need about 30 such corroborative sources.
Important - this list contains a VERY LIMITED list of sources Google cites for the description in Knowledge Panels. The Kalicube Pro SaaS platform contains 209,966.

What Sources Does Google Use for Knowledge Panel Descriptions for a Corporation (updated daily)
Recommended Reading: article on Search Engine Journal
How to Get Your Brand in Google’s Knowledge Graph Without a Wikipedia Page
Important - this list is for information purposes only.
Trusted sources are extremely niche, so you need to find the trusted sources on a per-entity and per-niche category basis.
The Kalicube Pro SaaS platform offers bespoke analysis and an entity-specific list. You can map your target entity to your bespoke list of equivalent entities (competitors) and find the trusted sources for any niche in 15 minutes.
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